The River Summit, Chalabre, September 17th 2022

The inaugural River Summit will be held in Chalabre on September 17th 2022. We aim to discuss big ideas and the science around healthy rivers. International experts will gather to discuss our waterways’ global significance and we have representatives from France, the UK and Ireland confirmed so far.

Chalabre is the ideal place for this event to be founded as there are three rivers that meet in the village and we will also be conducting an ambitious citizen science project at the time of the

Amounting to only 3% of the earth’s water and covering less than 1% of the earth’s surface, freshwater habitats can sometimes be overlooked when it comes to their global importance. Yet, worldwide, over 100,000 species rely on and are supported by freshwater ecosystems, particularly river habitats, which are highly important for many intricate, biotic and abiotic interactions and ecological linkages.

Records show that freshwater species are declining faster than those within any other habitat type worldwide, with rivers and inhabiting species facing detrimental pollution and many other threats that need more conservation action. Just like the ocean, rivers are faced with copious plastic pollution, rising water temperatures, invasive species, declining fish stocks and overall biodiversity loss.

As urbanisation has increased, differing chemical pollution that negatively alter water chemistry, sewage pollution, soil erosions and flood risks have followed, with recent evidence to show that a large majority of sewer flows across the UK are discharging raw sewage directly into rivers. Moreover, although we rely greatly on rivers for agricultural and drinking water purposes, a third of river water taken for human needs is wasted. The risks river ecosystems face need to be addressed and, as with all wildlife conservation issues, increasing awareness is key.
— Veins of the Earth

We aim to address and reveal these pollution risks in our panel discussions to gain deeper understanding of the issues directly threatening these precious ecosystems.

Involving the local community in an ambitions citizen science project will be a key component of the River Summit and school children, local inhabitants and experts will be embarking on gathering 100 water samples with water monitors.


Le Sommet de la rivière, Chalabre, 17 septembre 2022


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